Paul Kimbrel

Paul D Kimbrel

Web Developer, Technical Architect, Sound Engineer

Looking at Radios

Well, I go in at the end of the month to shoot for my Extra Advanced ham license. I’m still working on the code (procrastinator till the end), but I should be ready. I have the letters kinda figured out - though more practice is needed. I’ve also started working on my numbers. Those little buggers are going to be harder than they I had thought.

I’ve sold out to 5 WPM - just to get past the test. I intend go back and re-learn everything at 20+ WPM. But at this point I’m just eager to give this ‘ole Yeasu Tempo One a try.

Speaking of Yeasu, I’ve got my eyes on a QRP rig:

Yaesu FT-817ND

That, along with an automatic antenna tuner maybe a small 30W RF amp. Once I get my feet wet, I’m going to building the Altoids radio…